The Attractiveness of Wisdom

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3 reviews*

Price**: $21.75
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After a tumultuous marriage and a struggle trying to keep it together, Hamilton, a university dean, sets out on a perilous emotional journey to change his life and seek the love he's always wanted. He's tired of controlling his life and the lives of others. Hamilton meets Franny, a troubled dance teacher, and accepts her job offer of organizer in her studio. When Franny injures her foot, Hamilton must step out of his secure place to help. His trepidation increases when he meets a research journalist who falls in love with him. But her life isn't what it seems. Will Hamilton wise up and learn how a man truly loves a woman, the value of friendship, and the need for prayer?

The Attractiveness of Wisdom is a Christian literary fiction, heart-warming, enthralling novel with endearing, and unforgettable characters.

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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