Forging of a Knight, The Stolen Thief

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Drug Use
Young Adult | Adult


Book Four in the Forging of a Knight series!

Legend calls them the Ruinous Ones. The Dokahlfar and the Vartahlfar, evil elves and their dwarfish minions that controlled an unknown technological magic, daring to seek power beyond that of the tree and the root. They warred against their own kin, the high elves, and were defeated, fleeing into the dark, driven from the light they had wished to corrupt.

Glaive has gone missing - a secret assignment for the King gone awry. Qualtan decides to search for his half-orcne friend, and in the process, uncover the truth behind the Ruinous Ones. The knight must risk all to escape from a strange new land, fraught with perils and danger, without the benefit of his magic sword. Worse, he will be accompanied by others, servants of Those That Stand in Shadow, in a fragile truce to find freedom...or die.

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