The Upside of Cancer: How a Terrifying Illness Can Lead You to a New Life

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27 reviews*

Price**: $8.14
Book cover image for The Upside of Cancer: How a Terrifying Illness Can Lead You to a New Life






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Strange though it may sound, cancer can lead us to a deeper experience of joy and inner peace, this book asserts. Praised by Amazon Hall of Fame Top 100 reviewer Grady Harp as "a brief, exceptionally rewarding book," The Upside of Cancer offers hope and courage to cancer patients and their families and anyone facing a major trauma.

The author was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer in 2013 at age 81. With insights and stories from his own life, he shows you how to turn anxiety into joy as you tap into your inner courage, find peace and solace in stillness, and listen to the wisdom of your own heart.

This book will help you:

Stay positive
Develop resilience
Overcome anxiety
Face the fear of death
Find inner peace

Other titles by the same author:

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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