Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2)

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Price**: $2.99
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When Kathy Wylde sets out to take revenge on the gang of youths who kicked her son, Jack, to death, she finds herself on the wrong side of a vicious and dangerous criminal...

As Detective Inspector Matt Turrell, of the Warwickshire Police, investigates the first gang member's death, another is brutally murdered. DI Turrell and his team must move fast to protect anyone connected to Jack's murder - including Kathy.

Unaware that she is now the hunted and in grave danger, Kathy selects Harry as her next victim but soon finds herself growing fond of the young man. With the killer drawing close, will the unlikely pair be able to work together in an attempt to survive? Can DI Turrell stop the killer before he strikes again? Or will he have to sacrifice himself to save them?

Echoes of Justice is the second in the series of novels featuring DI Matt Turrell of the Warwickshire Police. It is a psychological thriller/police procedural set in and around Stratford-upon-Avon.

Other titles by the same author:

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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