Annie's 4th Ace: A romantically funny Annie McCauley mystery

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27 reviews*

Price**: $2.99
Book cover image for Annie's 4th Ace: A romantically funny Annie McCauley mystery (The Annie McCauley Romantic Comedy Mysteries)






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Sexual Content
Drug Use


Annie McCauley hasn’t given up on her dream of being a high fashion model. Her evil arch rival, Brittany Carstairs who grew up in the same trailer park in Mesa View Texas has gotten her fired from every job she’s had, but when she lands another gig she’s sure Brittany won’t get the best of her and she’ll be able to quit her job working for Ida Grolsch delivering and protecting people.

But before she can say, “Foiled again!” she’s pounding the pavement and working with Luther Grolsch, Ida’s sexy, dangerous, son who just happens to be in love with Annie. Annie takes the gig to pay the rent and asks herself, “How difficult could it be to deliver two old geezers to Key West?” Four corpses later, Annie has her answer and a family mystery that must be solved with the help of Luther and her gay, Latino, sidekick, Luis.

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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