Crimson Winter

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54 reviews*

Price**: $2.99
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Lucy Wang, a Chinese-Canadian woman, leads an idyllic life (which also includes plans to soon become a mother) in Montreal with her husband Patrick, an English Canadian entrepreneurial millionaire whose career is on the rise. Her crystal castle cracks when she discovers that he is having a passionate extramarital affair. Chance leads Lucy to learn of an unconventional, new method for tackling the problem, unknown in the West but all the rage in China, and travels to China to learn more about it. Back in Canada, sets her plan in motion, ignoring that in addition to standing up to her rival in love, she will have to face powerful adversaries in the shadows, to the point of risking her own life. Her dilemma: to accept a premature defeat and quit or gather up the necessary courage to transform herself into a new, empowered woman and go further to meet the ultimate consequences.

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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