The Little Book of Quirky Christmas Stories

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11 reviews*

Price**: $1.23
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The Little Book of Quirky Christmas Stories

This is a collection of short stories written especially for those who like Christmas with a twist. There's autobiographical, fantasy and funny stories containing magic and mystery. Please enjoy these quirky Yuletide tales that put a different spin on some of the clichés of the festive season.

Warning: these stories contain Father Christmas, Christmas Trees, Christmas dinners, presents, reindeer, snowmen, witches, elves, and snow!

Christmas Tree Barbie - a dubious Santa doesn't get what he expects when he pays a visit to a little girl.

Mother Christmas - a young woman with a lazy husband and a baby receives a surprise Christmas gift from an unexpected person.

A Busy Night For Sarah- an alternative version of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas in Northmold - a tourist couple on a weekend break in a seaside town find the supernatural side after dark.

Christmas 1959 - a photograph in the attic reminds a woman of a memorable childhood Christmas.

Christmas by the Seaside - why is Father Christmas following a married couple around by the seaside?

When The Elves Stole Christmas - the oppressed Elves have their revenge on the dreadful tyrant - Santa Claus!

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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