Real Value: New Ways to Think about Your Time, Your Space & Your Stuff

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13 reviews*

Price**: $2.99
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Do you feel overwhelmed by all the stuff in your home? Is your home office a messy file drawer of papers? Do you want to get organized, but you do not know where to start?

This book will help you look at your stuff differently and put you on the right track to get organized and stay organized, so you can better enjoy life. We will consider the real value of our possessions. Is “real value” a dollar amount? Or the usefulness of the item? Or how it makes you feel? There are many ways to consider an item’s value, none of them right or wrong. Everything is relative in terms of what is really important to you, whether it be your time, your space, or your stuff.

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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