Seventh Dimension - The Door: A Young Adult Fantasy

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110 reviews*

Price**: $12.95
Book cover image for Seventh Dimension - The Door: A Young Adult Christian Fantasy






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Young Adult | Adult


2013 International Book Awards Finalist
2013 Grace Awards Finalist
2013 Selah Awards Finalist
2013 Readers' Favorite Finalist
2014 Book Goodies Best Cover Contest Winner YA category

The Door is the first book in the Seventh Dimension Series that combines contemporary, historical, and fantasy elements into a Christian "coming-of-age" story. A curse put on Shale Snyder, because of a secret, shrouds her with insecurity and fear. Following suspension from school, Shale's best friend isn't allowed to see her anymore and she feels abandoned by her family.

When a stray dog befriends her, she follows it into the woods. There she discovers a door that leads to another world--a garden with talking animals, demonic underlings, forbidden love, and a king unlike any other. Can Shale overcome her past, defeat the underlings, and embrace her eternal destiny?

Other titles by the same author:

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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