'Women Waking Up'

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2 reviews*

Price**: $3.47
Book cover image for Women Waking Up






Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Short Story
Young Adult | Adult


Facing their problems with humour, courage, or cheerful ignorance, cunning, guile or sheer women's cheek, these eight women find ways to make changes in their lives. They seize the opportunity to make a choice or decision, which might affect them in a major way.

Most of these stories were first published in print magazines in the U.K. then in Canada, Australia and the USA. Peninsular short story magazine editor, Shelagh Nugent, published some of them and says: 'They were a delight to me as editor, publisher and, above all, reader. It's great to see them again in this e-book. Rowan's stories are not only well written and thoughtful, they're entertaining, a quality which is too often missing in the short story genre these days. Enjoy them, I did.

'What can I say?’ (Writer, Jane Wenham-Jones, after reading the first story in the anthology) ‘Oh gosh, this just made me cry. I found 'The Paper Nautilus' intensely moving, evocative and beautifully written.’

The choices these women face are not uncommon. It's what they decide to do which makes each story unique. Read them, enjoy them and see. Would you make the same choice?


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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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