Pharmdee (Pill factory skyy sapphire knight pretty girls tears of tess all the light we cannot see appalachian

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Graphic Novel
Children | Young Adult | Adult


Great Book For All Ages !!!
How does man in a new country feel? What if non living things could walk, where would they go? What if inanimate things can wish? What would they wish for?
Two of children's favorite things to do is reading and telling stories. They have really short attention span so making them listen is really challenging especially if you want them to understand something really important. But what can be more fun learning about values than engaging them in a witty, adventurous and exciting tale?

Pharmdee: The Pill Factory Volume 1 brings you that! This children's book written by PhD Anchor, is an adventure series that will surely get you hooked in suspense with every chapter in each of its 26 volumes.
The story follows Nick, a man from early19th century England moved to the United States of America. He owns Barden Pill Factory that manufactures pills including Almo, a little and very much alive pill.

Almo, being able to escape, roams around the factory and meets several inanimate friends. As he wanders, he gets exposed to the thrilling yet shocking lives of pills. Now, Almo wants to grow bigger and stronger
One day, as Nick was moving a cargo away on Mississippi river, he encounters Naval Air Station agents whom he promised to give 999 pills but there is a HUGE problem! One pill is missing -- and it's Almo!

Now, with one pill lost, what will happen to Nick?a read alone or with guidance book for kids age 5-8, or as a read alone tale for kids 9-12 who are looking for a new sort of hero. oxford dictionary,Will he be able to go back to the factory? What will become of Almo? Will he get his wish of growing bigger?

>> Download This Book Today

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