Death Dealing (The Ryder Quartet Book 4)

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33 reviews*

Price**: $8.49
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'The woman’s cries floated down the passage and bubbled out through the front door in helpless, anguished, tortured spasms. For Ryder it was a sound that echoed down the ages. The horror of mothers from any species that might ever have lived on the planet: a parent trying to deal with the impossible. The death of her young ones: it was a sound to chill the blood.'

After three months in prison a notorious killer escapes. Detectives Jeremy Ryder and Navi Pillay are on his tail for the final showdown. The fourth volume of The Ryder Quartet contains heart-rending scenes as readers discover the kinds of trauma faced every day by victims of crime. These scenes take place against a tapestry of courage and heroism in the daily clashes between the forces of law and order on the one hand and brutal drug-fuelled crime on the other.

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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