The Pregnant Pope: Satan never sleeps. If he did, we would all be in heaven. (TIO Book 1)

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Book cover image for The Pregnant Pope: Satan never sleeps. If he did, we would all be in heaven. (TIO Book 1)






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Will the New Messiah or the Anti-Christ be born?

In the year of Satan, 2066, the structure of the physical world is cracking, and inexplicable paranormal forces are interfering with humanity. The Trinity Investigation Organization, or TIO—a paranormal detective society—is the last protection against the demons, evil spirits, fanatical criminals, and sadists who are trying to destroy the world.

The 92-year-old Pope is pregnant. Although he hasn’t undergone any medical procedures, he carries a human fetus in his abdomen. Is this a case of self-cloning, or is it a mutation? Is this an immaculate conception, or is it Satan’s work?

Claire, Travis, and Prescott, the members of the Capuchin Trinity Team of TIO, are tasked with uncovering the truth about this unusual case and resolving the mystery of whether the Pope is carrying the new Messiah or the Antichrist, and who did it. Their job is to go beyond the physical world into the mind and the spiritual realm, discover a thousand-year-old connection, perform an exorcism, and fight the devil Zepar, while evading the villains who keep trying to assassinate them.

Editorial Reviews

"I found this book quite interesting and tightly written with exciting plot twists and turns." by Tom

"The year is 2066... technology meets the supernatural...

The 90+ year old pope is pregnant! How did the fetus get there? WHY did this happen to him? What does this mean?" by Julie Blaskie

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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