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Featured in episode 8 of our Listen Inside Podcast
Families support and aid each other don’t they? Especially in the Yorkshire Dales, in 1887. Life can be hard but gentle, kindly Tizzie has been a loving help from her brother, Jack, his wife, Maggie, and their three boys and one girl, Agnes. She is happy to work herself down to skin and bones as a dairymaid for them. Tizzie’s one dream is to see that young Agnes will not suffer her spinster fate and it is sharp young Agnes who helps Tizzie suspect, see and then uncover Jack and Maggie's treachery. Now she knows what has been done to her she is determined to free Agnes. With only her wits to guide her, Tizzie attempts to right years of wrongs and set Agnes free.

Editor's selection and short listed in the Historical Novel Society's Independent Novel Award and also short listed in the M.M.Bennetts historical Fiction Award.

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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