Gun Dealing (The Ryder Quartet Book 2)

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38 reviews*

Price**: $9.99
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This sequel to the action-packed ‘Devil Dealing’ depicts the ongoing search by detectives Jeremy Ryder and Navi Pillay for the evil gangster Skhura Thabethe, dealer in stolen weapons, drugs and murder. The secondary plot shows the detectives uncovering a link between stolen weapons and the local trade in drugs. The two main plots unfold in strictly-organised chronological sequence over ten days until a climactic ending when the two narrative-lines coalesce in a spectacular confrontation between the detectives and the two main villains. Against a background of delicate emotional exchanges between victims of crime and the police, 'Gun Dealing', like its predecessor, explores the moral and ethical choices made by the detectives in their day-to-day confrontation with rampant and brutal crime in contemporary South Africa.

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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