Rise of the Sun God (The Death Wizard Chronicles)

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3 reviews*

Price**: $0.00
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Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Short Story


Before he rose to power, the signs of his evil genius were present. Only a few noticed.

Seemingly ordinary parents give birth to a boy with god-like powers--and soon discover that his magic is matched only by his propensity for evil. When the boy's mysterious grandmother appears and takes him away to a distant place, the parents are filled with relief.

But the boy named Invictus does not like taking orders from anyone. Very quickly, even his grandmother--a demon in disguise--cannot control him.

Eventually, Invictus learns that he has a younger sister, purposely hidden from him--but hidden no longer. And so he returns to his birthplace, obsessed with winning her over . . . no matter what.

Other titles by the same author:

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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