Torn By War (The Death Wizard Chronicles Book 4)

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9 reviews*

Price**: $3.03
Book cover image for Torn By War (The Death Wizard Chronicles Book 4)






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Everyone they love may be doomed. Everything they cherish may be destroyed. There is no turning back.

Torg and Laylah’s world is in chaos; their life together, in jeopardy. Even a powerful Death Wizard such as Torg may not triumph as three terrible wars are unleashed upon the land. The evil druids of the forest Dhutanga—giant, insect-like monsters—swarm to attack the white horsemen of Jivita. The druids are superior both in strength and numbers, but the forces of good are not without hope. Torg and his Tugars stand by the horsemen’s sides.

Several hundred leagues to the east, an army of zombies invades Tējo, the great desert. Most of the Tugars have left to aid their allies, and only a few warriors remain to defend the Tugars’ homeland against this horrendous assault.

The most devastating force of all is led by Mala, the ruined snow giant, who has marched with his massive army of cretins and golden soldiers to assail the black fortress of Nissaya.

Triken is on fire.

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