New Sun Rising: Two Stories

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3 reviews*

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Sexual Content
Drug Use


The year is 2199; the place, the Reunited States.

Kedzie Greer is pretty, smart, accomplished, and loved. She grew up in paradise: a small lakeside community with utopian ideals. But on turning sixteen — the age of legal adulthood in 2199 — Kedzie decides she has had enough of paradise.

Story 1, “The Town With Four Names,” is about Kedzie's idyllic hometown, which has survived against all odds for more than three hundred years. Cassie Stillwater, a 90-year-old descendent of the original founder, writes down the town’s history, a history that turns personal.

Story 2, “Leaving Home,” is about Kedzie’s decision to seek a life outside the town gates. She finds a job that horrifies her parents, who fear that they raised her too well and protected her too much.

Story 1 will remind you of summer. Story 2 will remind you of what it feels like to begin work on your life.

The stories aren’t Young Adult in spite of the age of the heroine and in spite of the fact that they are more or less G-rated. They aren’t exactly science fiction either.

This little “appetizer” book introduces the setting and the basic plot of New Sun Rising: Ten Stories.

Other titles by the same author:

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