A Tangle of Echoes: (The Songbird Story - Book Two)

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As the granddaughter of both an earl and a viscount, Venice is not expected to take up a profession. But this has not prevented her from wanting to train as a doctor even though London in the 1920’s doesn’t completely accept women physicians and Venice has an uphill struggle to realise her ambition.

Blissfully unaware of her grandmother’s secret and the actions she took forty years before, Venice concentrates on her dream to become a physician.

Meeting the mysterious Tristan Cavell throws her into turmoil. She is not only physically attracted to him, but also intrigued by the secrets he seems to keep. Tristan comes from the poverty of the East End of London and is a veteran of the Great War. He has done well for himself and owns a lucrative hotel and nightclub. But he also owns a casino, an activity that is on the fringes of the law.

Venice must decide how her relationship is to progress with Tristan and she uses a unique method he understands.

All the while, her grandmother’s secret waits in the wings to bring terrifying consequences for Venice. She and Tristan will have to face these consequences together and this will test their love for each other. The tangle of echoes from the past will change their lives even though the events occurred many years before they were born.

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