Under a Dark Star

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43 reviews*

Price**: $2.94
Book cover image for under a dark star






Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Young Adult | Adult


All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Daniel Tynton, a reformed smuggler, and his old enemy, Lieutenant Karl Thorsen, embark on a quest to rid the ‘diamond isle’ of corruption and impoverishment by those who lure cargo ships onto rocks. Against Daniel’s wishes, his wife Lucy follows him to the island where she risks her life to save his.
All the conflict points to one cruel and ruthless man. In the midst of all the turmoil, Karl finally finds a woman he can love but she belongs to that man.
Book Two in The Dark Moon Trilogy

Other titles by the same author:

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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