Searching for Eleanor

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The sudden and untimely death of Eleanor Jackson's father, during the summer of eighteen seventy-five, brings to light a shocking revelation. For nearly fifteen years she has been kept in the dark, concerning her family’s state of affairs. As Eleanor’s privileged world comes tumbling down, she and her mother are destined for a life of poverty and hardship.A chance encounter with the handsome, August Miller initiates the beginning of a relationship, which has everlasting effects on both him and Eleanor, leaving them powerless to ignore the overwhelming surge of love, which has ignited in their hearts. When Eleanor’s life is struck by yet another devastating tragedy, changing it dramatically, she becomes estranged from August and fearful of never setting eyes upon him again. August’s unyielding adoration for Eleanor increases with every passing day, causing his life and the prospect of a life without her, to become unbearable. Resolute that he will never give up searching for her, August Miller is determined that one day, the beautiful, Eleanor will become his bride. Tortured by the disturbing knowledge that they might find themselves parted forever, ‘Searching for Eleanor’ is more than just a love story. It is a touching and often heartrending tale of adoration, faith and certainty. From a love kindled during the briefest of meetings, refusing to be extinguished by the passing of time or circumstance, this is the poignant story of two people whose hearts are as one, even through separation and trauma.

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