Jake's Redemption: The Angel Eyes Series Prequel - A Cowboy Dystopian Romance

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120 reviews*

Price**: $2.99
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Award-winner in the Global Ebook Awards.

An imprisoned cowboy.
An empowered woman.
When true love is forbidden, opening their hearts could destroy them both…

Chained and enslaved, Jake Nichols is convinced he’ll die alone. In this new order where men are stripped of all power, he endures brutal torture at the hands of his female captor. But when he’s hired out to build a ranch home for an outspoken beauty, his dreams of escape transform into visions of passion.

Monica Avery struggles to fill her heart in a loveless society. With marriage outlawed and romantic partners reduced to pawns, she’s given up hope of finding her soul mate. But watching the rugged rancher hard at work on her shelter awakens deeply buried desires.

As the project comes together, Monica discovers a kindred spirit in the tenderhearted Jake. But despite their growing attraction, he still belongs to a cruel woman who'd rather see him dead than free.

Can Monica save Jake, or will their love lead to a tragic tomorrow?

Jake's Redemption is a full-length book in the Angel Eyes cowboy dystopian romance series. If you like scorching-hot chemistry, clever post-apocalyptic worlds, and star-crossed love stories, then you’ll adore Jamie Schulz’s captivating tale.

Buy Jake's Redemption today to see if love can brighten a dark world!

Jake's Redemption has an HFN ending and opens the door for the next book in the Angel Eyes Series.

This story would appeal to those who found the adult scenarios in books like A Handmaid's Tale and The Hunger Games intriguing. Or who enjoy the writing of other romance authors like Maisey Yates, Pam Godwin, Karen Robards, and Nora Roberts, or who simply love cowboys.

Review Snippets

"If you are looking for an extremely well written new story that is different from the norm, I can definitely recommend this book to you. I am anxiously waiting for the next book ...!"
- Avonna, The Romance Reviews.

"Peppered within the main story arc were lovely moments of tension and unexpected plot twists. This was a smooth read, with depth and development of a wide range of emotions. It is hopeful, romantic, gripping, and original. I loved it and look forward to see how it all develops in the rest of the series."
- Kindle Customer

"Schulz pens a grand mix of storytelling within Jake's Redemption. It's like fantasy meets cowboy meets romance. I enjoyed the premise of the story and how it played out. It is not always easy to blend genres, but Schulz does it remarkably. The hint of dystopian brings the Jake to Monica's doorstep, and things evolve from there. The story has a great deal of tormented souls and romance, and surviving the obstacles. Schulz certainly can write a good story. I look forward to reading more by this new author."
- Amy, Amy's Bookshelf Reviews

"Oh My! For a prequel, I didn't expect it to be so in depth and long! I actually expected it to be done in a couple hours, like a lot of other prequels. But WOW! It sucked me in and I was ready to read the next one! But have to wait. But I'm sure it'll be worth it!"
- Rachel Menzies, Amazon UK Reviewer

"While dystopian, post-apocalyptic stories are not my favored genre, I found this prequel engaging. It’s more—including a western theme, a sweet romance, and a glimmer of hope in a dismal swamp of misery—something for everyone."
- Colorado Avid Reader Review
Please note: Though this book and the series have sex on the page, they are NOT erotica, but do have some dark elements. The story is predominately about family, trust, healing, and love, but reader discretion is advised.

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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