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16 reviews*

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Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use


I once read the sentence: Destiny takes care of who enters your life, but you can decide who stays…That’s stupid! I definitely feel like destiny has been playing an evil game with me since my childhood. When the Hailey-twins burst into my life, they turned it completely upside down. They lifted me up to heaven, only to then throw me into the deepest chasm. While River is an adorable, sexy anthropologist, and a born-charmer, Jamie is a computer-genius with Asperger-syndrome, eccentric, and difficulty blending into society. There are no two men more different than they are, but they’re still my fate. They are the source of euphoria and despondency, of happiness and sadness in me. I’m Hannah Logan. The girl who has loved twice in her life and who stands in front of an unsolvable dilemma. Split is a modern, passionate, erotic novel, the third book from Renata W. Müller

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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