The rebel

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6 reviews*

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Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use


Even the most blissful childhood comes to an end once. Amina al-Hosani enters adulthood with the cruel abruptness of her father’s announcement that her husband-to-be has been selected, and she will soon have to marry a stranger. At once, her so far carefree life is shattered. As more and more details come to light about her real identity and her past, the ground under her is shaken. Amina needs to make a heart-breaking decision: she has to bow her head to her father’s will, her family’s wish and the tradition, or she has to break away from her privileged position and start a new life elsewhere. How can a young woman who grew up amidst strict traditions cope with the liberal western culture? What happens when, following her heart, she even has to contradict her own conscience? Is it possible to love two men at the same time?
Recommended for adult readers only.

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