Annie's 5th Avenue

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Price**: $2.99
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Drug Use


Fifth Avenue is one of the most exciting and expensive places on earth, but for Annie McCauley on a cold January night, it’s the place to find the perfect bra and start a new adventure. With her trusty friend, Luis at her side, Annie goes to a bargain basement sale in Midtown and runs into her arch rival, Brittany who seems to have hit the jackpot. But as is so often the case for the two girls from the Mesa View trailer park in West Texas, Brittany’s fortunes are about to change and she’ll need Annie and the resources of the Grolsch Agency (motto, Discreet) to save her.

With her modeling career on hold, thanks to Brittany and her insane vendetta against her, Annie is forced to take whatever work she can find to pay the rent on her third floor walkup apartment in Queens. She works for the Grolsch Agency delivering people to destinations and sometimes solving a mystery or two. A new client from old money seems like an answer to their prayers since Luis and Annie are short on cash, but as usual, things do not go their way and they’re soon on the short list of suspects for murder. A new cast of characters soon join the regulars of the Annie McCauley series and murder and mayhem ensue. Old money and hot diamonds as well as a few murders heat up winter in the Big Apple.

A psychotic misogynist is stalking beautiful women and using them to make himself rich. Meanwhile, a mafia don from New Jersey wants revenge for his godchild whose best friend is kidnapped. Luther goes to work on the other side of the river to find Doctor Phil and keep “Big Tony the Squid” from hurting anyone. Somehow, Annie and Luis are in the thick of it and it gets more complicated when old “frenemies” from back home pop up on her doorstep.

As all of this unfolds, Ida Grolsch maniacally crochets and tries to fix Annie up with the son most likely to settle down and give her a grandchild. Maybe Martin is stable and a better catch than Luther, but can Annie really walk away from Luther? Does Annie really love Luther? An old Texas Ranger nicknamed, Bird Dog seems to have the answer. Will Annie find the other half of the turquoise bra? Will she start dating Martin, Luther’s younger brother? Will she and Luis go to jail for murder? Finally, who kidnapped Doctor Phil, and why? The fifth installment in the series is a laugh out loud adventure.

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