Reason to Live

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6 reviews*

Price**: $3.99
Book cover image for Reason to Live






Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Young Adult | Adult


He’s on a mission to win back the heart of the only woman he’s ever loved, but there’s a problem. He’s stuck in the body of a man she’s never met.

Richard Dunham awakes in a hospital with no memory of the accident that allegedly killed him. He thinks he knows his name, but the hospital staff disagrees. Confusion turns to terror when he looks in the mirror and a stranger looks back.

When a mysterious old man shows up at his bedside with tall tales of a life—and death—for which he has no recall, Richard realizes that he’s not in Kansas anymore. He has no point of reference, no memories of his own, no idea of the kind of man he’d been. When a series of flashbacks begin to paint a picture of his past life, Richard doesn’t like what he sees.

Richard, now Michael Riordan, must navigate his way through an unfamiliar landscape as he embarks on an unexpected life-or-death mission. When the obstacles in his path appear insurmountable, Richard must make a choice. Will he let his past determine his future, or will he discover that it’s never too late to be what he might have been?

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