Broken Angels

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11 reviews*

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Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Young Adult | Adult


A missing father, a long-lost love, and a precocious little girl force a jaded young man to face his demons, but his salvation has an expiration date.

Abandoned by his father as a child, Jack DiLuca cannot see that his self-destructive behavior and one-night stands are preventing him from finding the love and the normal life that he desires. Driven by recurring dreams about his father, he walks away from his first meaningful relationship to settle the score with the man who destroyed his life.

When Jack finds his father in Philadelphia, he discovers that everything is not as it appears. He gets more than he bargained for as family secrets are revealed, and he learns that even he is not who he thought he was.

A chance meeting with Maggie, an old high school flame, rekindles his desire, but she resists his attempts to get too close. After building a bond with her ten-year-old daughter, Jack longs to be part of a family again. But when tragedy strikes, he discovers that Maggie hides a secret that threatens to destroy everything.

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