American Triptych

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Price**: $9.99
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Expert Latin-American satirist Carlos Rubio presents a new tongue-in-cheek masterpiece that scales new heights of satire even as it follows the life of a young protagonist in his journey through growing up and into manhood. Rubio pulls out all the stops on ironic humor in American Tripytch.

Rubio explores the potential of transformation in a young boy as he moves from one experience to the next in three volumes filled with the ironical embellishments of the Neo-Baroque writing style. In the first part entitled The Neophyte, Rubio unfolds the life of a young boy rescued from a flood by a somewhat dysfunctional convent of nuns. Instead of the expected moral upbringing instilled, he grows up to be virile and brazen with a perspective that is nothing short of hedonistic.

Bullwhip, the second installment, continues the adventures of the adolescent young man as he enters high school. He brings with him his solidifying philosophies and an “I don’t care” attitude, silently reconstructing the strict, academic atmosphere according to his whims. He gains his own notoriety, even as he faces down the local gang, and dodges the sexual advances of the vice principal. And while the individuals that oppose him get him cornered, a delightful twist of events sees him coming out on top.

California Fever concludes the exciting trilogy, exploring a more contemporary theme of events that begin with the young protagonist losing his memory after surviving an earthquake. Before long, he would venture into the life of a rock star as The Rocker, until he would be persuaded to enter politics. However, all this conceals a most unexpected ending, the consummation of what would seem an aborted desire of the hero’s soul.

Absolutely hyperbolic, parodical and phallic, American Triptych will tickle the brains and funnybones of readers who don’t mind the racy overtones and unrestrained sarcasm beneath the funny storyline.

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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