Secrets of the Storm

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16 reviews*

Price**: $0.99
Book cover image for Secrets of the Storm






Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Short Story
Young Adult | Adult


“I found the girl of my dreams and I loved her more than life…”

Who is the enigmatic stranger who appears from nowhere? How does he know Janey’s deepest secrets? A haunting short story of love, loss and never letting go.

Janey is home alone during a raging storm. A mysterious young guy knocks on the door and begs her to go with him. He has something important to tell her and they’re running out of time.

They roar through the storm on a powerful motorbike, seeking shelter in a tumbledown shack. He gives her a pendant, a serpent with blazing red eyes. She’s seen it before but can’t recall where.

Janey yearns for him to unlock the riddles of her past. She’s unsettled and struggling to belong. He tells her about a girl waiting in vain on a perilous bridge. Who is she and how is she linked to Janey? But what if it’s too late for Janey to learn the truth?

Don’t miss this haunting short story of soulmates and life beyond.

Other titles by the same author:

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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