Wild Colonial Girl

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Price**: $4.99
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Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Young Adult | Adult


This is an uplit (cheerful) historical novel set in 1898 to 1900. The novel is set in India, Australia and the bulk in New Zealand. Although there is a slightly more than my usual amount of romance it is not a romance but a Victorian historical, looking at how a young woman grows up, learns to cope and make choices and decisions for herself as best she can under 19thC social expectation for women.
What? Leave India? Move to the colonies and make a new life there? Melisande, appalled, gazed at her brother and fiancée. She loved her life in India. She’d been cossetted, loved and happy there. Of course the plague meant a radical change, but they could still live on the family’s small estate couldn’t they? But, no. Brother Jeri didn’t want to live in India, neither did fiancée Richard. Both young men, filled with excitement at the thought adventure in the colonies, were determined to go, and Melisande must go with them. Her life turned upside down, rushed into her wedding, onto a ship and off to Australia, and finally New Zealand, Melisande has to learn how to run a home and cope with New Zealand, a life so different from her Indian one. Can she make a home and a life as happy as her Indian one?

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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