Still An Ordinary Spectator: Five More Years of Watching Sport

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Price**: $29.09
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This follow-up to his award-winning book AN ORDINARY SPECTATOR: 50 YEARS OF WATCHING SPORT (SilverWood Books, 2012) presents a collection of John Rigg’s wide-ranging sports writing over the subsequent five years.

STILL AN ORDINARY SPECTATOR: FIVE MORE YEARS OF WATCHING SPORT not only captures the thrill of watching some of the top sportsman of the modern era – Rory McIlroy, Robert Lewandowski, Cameron Smith et al – at the top of their game. By also evocatively describing local sporting events within their specific communities – high school American Football in San Antonio, Gaelic Football in County Mayo, club cricket in Saltaire – the book perceptively reflects on sport’s inherent capacity to act as a barometer of the society around it.

John Rigg provides a rich combination of contemporary detail and historical digression. He also writes warmly (and, at times, poignantly) of some of the casual acquaintances – a nun with a collecting box in Leeds, a famous Test Match umpire in Scarborough, a middle-aged football supporter in Paisley – whom he has encountered during this most recent stage of his long sports spectating journey.

Other titles by the same author:

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