The protector 1

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1 reviews*

Price**: $0.99
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Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Adult | Young Adult


As the old saying goes, you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family. It was never Raven Bertone’s fault that she was born into the most influential mafia dynasty on the East Coast of the United States. As the revenge-driven members of a rival family seek to take her life, she learns, children must often pay for the mistakes of their parents and grandparents. She promises herself that she will never ever get involved with a man who has the slightest link to the underworld. To hell with those charming, hot bad boys! Here’s to you, shy, gentle bookworms! But vows are made to be broken, so when Rafe Harlan, the cute drug dealer of the university storms into Raven’s life like an whirlwind, this girl surrenders to the temptation. The guy wins not only her trust but her heart as well, and when he smashes it to pieces, they part ways. But not for good…
Years later, when the mafia bears down on Raven once more and she has to flee, it’s a trick of fate that her safety depends on the very person who has already broken her heart, and crushed her trust.

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