Passion to Success

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Book is for YOU…if you…
...are a professional and in a job that you don't like? YOU feel frustrated and exhausted?
…are someone who is going to complete your studies and enter in the working force/ job market?
...feel, you are not living life to its fullest because you are not into a profession that you love?
AT the same time, you love something more than anything else but not sure how to convert that into a career so that you enjoy a fulfilling life.
If YOU can relate to the above scenarios, then this BOOK can be of help.
I have experienced the same dilemma, and, in this book, I have shared some options to align your career to the skills/hobby/art that you have passion for.
I have introduced a concept 'Mission Passion', which is to write a 'Mission Statement' for your own career based on your passion. Every organization has its 'Mission Statement' that provides guideline to steer through its path. The same way, your 'MissionPassion' statement will help you to stick to your 'Passion based career' and not get diverted.
I have covered different stages of careers that anyone can be at any point of time and how one can make a career shift.
There are some nice quotes and narratives of the successful people talking about how 'Passion' can help to live a successful life.
To make things more interesting, and to motivate you, I have shared a true story of a common man, his struggles during studies, in his job life, trying different businesses before finding his true passion and achieving success beyond his imagination.

I know that now a days don't have much time to read so I have tried my best to keep the book size smaller to make it a quick read and worth the time spent.
The main objective of writing this book is to improve life of people who are just living by and not really enjoying what they do and I will be really happy if this book will be of any help to shape up YOUR career and life

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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