Death Wish: gripping psychological suspense

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46 reviews*

Price**: $0.99
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This is a story of twists and turns and what ifs. Kristin’s Novel Café

Secrets. Lies. Murder?

Eight-year-old Joya has a difficult life. Her parents are always fighting, and Grandma Vee is sick. Joya badly wants to help, but it’s hard to know what’s best.

Next door, Ashley loves the new house she and Leo move into, but sparks fly when Leo goes into business with Ashley’s mother Eleanor. Ashley hates her mother... with good reason.

Meanwhile, Joya’s mum Martine juggles looking after terminally-ill Vee while battling the terror that she and Joya could have inherited Vee’s disease too. There’s a test – but do they really want to know?

Then a woman is found dead, and Martine’s world falls apart. What has her little girl done?

What the reviewers are saying:

This is a sinister thriller with a twist. It will keep you guessing all the way through. Nicki’s Book Blog

I found the mental health, adoption and euthanasia sections very sensitively dealt with. Add in secrets, friendship, family and death and that makes a superb concoction for a story. Alison Drew

A gripping domestic thriller. Linda Huber really is a gifted storyteller. Brew and Books Review

A fantastic read with brilliant characters. Amazon reviewer

I knew I was in for another great read and I wasn't wrong. By the Letter Book Reviews

Good writing, a well-structured story, thoughtfully designed characters. Bibliomaniac

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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