Young Ebenezer - Confronts the School Bully

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2 reviews*

Price**: $3.99
Book cover image for Young Ebenezer - Confronts the School Bully






Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Children | Young Adult | Adult


‘A Halloween treat, much better than sweets.’

A time for candy and costumes,
pumpkins and ‘Trick or Treat’.
But beware of the bully
lurking just down the street.

Ebenezer is really excited! It’s his first Halloween to go out ‘Trick or Treating’. Jacob Marley is excited too, but this school bully plans to steal all the kids’ sweets.Can Eb and his friends, along with the magical clock Grandfather Time teach Jacob the error of his ways? Or is the boy doomed to a life of crime, just like his wicked father?

The story of ‘Ebenezer and the Bully’ is a magical rhyming tale of behaviour matters, and the importance of being kind. It’s a treat for families to share or for reading alone, aimed at children aged 8-12 years old. With characters loosely based around the Charles Dickens classic ‘A Christmas Carol’, you’ll meet the Ghost of Christmas Past - a golden red puppy named Miss Ruby Heart - along with the Grim Reaper who will surprise Jacob by revealing his future self.

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Video trailer for Young Ebenezer - Confronts the School Bully

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