Last Flock of the Geese

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2 reviews*

Price**: $2.99
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A book of clear verse. Geese migrate through its lines. Tall ships leave Liverpool Bay. An iceberg breaks free of Antarctica. Ivory burns in Kenya. The healing of the rift between nations is contemplated. An exhibition of Pre-Raphaelite art is visited. The crossing of the Rubicon is dared. Franz Kafka writes his tales. The spirit of T.S. Eliot revisits The Waste Land. Shakespeare drinks with his acting company. Autumn in Yerevan, Armenia, is mirrored. Utopia is mused on. Childhood is remembered. Love celebrated. Archie Leach sails from Bristol to New York. Matthew Flinders becomes the first man to circumnavigate Australia. Noah's ark moors on mount Ararat. The death of the last white rhinoceros is lamented. Weland the smith lifts his hammer. Hugh Minn finds an alien in his loft. Various other visions and inspirations are explored. Readers of these lines will hopefully find them worthy of study.

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