His Perfect One: A Mahaghany Mixed Novel

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Price**: $3.00
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Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Young Adult | Adult


His Perfect One delves into the complicated life of a young, handsome, financially successful man who has it all...well, with the exception of someone he can call his love.

Devin Kane is the master of women and lover of the female form, until the closest thing to perfection left him. Enraged, detached and ever straightforward, Devin keeps his associations the same...distant. An eye always looking for his perfect one.

Aria Cox is the perfect girl next door: sophisticated, sexy, feisty but inhibited by her own insecurities. She just needs the right man to scratch her proverbial itch. Tired of being led around, Aria puts her lovelife into the hands of her best friend!
In search of love, fate draws these to seekers together. Will Devin find what he’s looking for? Or will Aria remain destined to be the next man’s doormat?

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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