The Silver Rings (Al Andalus Book 2)

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Book cover image for The Silver Rings (Al Andalus Book 2)






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Children | Young Adult | Adult


It is February 1265 and our heroes return home to find that their city has changed. Can their friendships and affections survive the new order? Rebecca is love-lorn and persecuted; Miguel is now the head of the Delgado family; Ben, the reluctant hero, pines for the past and Atta is desperate to find his father, held hostage by bandeleros. Together with Nathan, the runaway with dangerous new friends, their story unfolds as King and Emir jostle for power in the mountains. Nathan and Atta still wear their rings, but, in a cruel twist of fate, Juan’s lost ring re-emerges, carried by someone who threatens Rebecca’s future and her happiness. Meanwhile the bandits join forces with a new and dangerous ally. As an audacious plan to rescue Atta's father is hatched, the friends are separated once again, each of them in great danger.Can they survive and find their way to safety and each other? FRIENDSHIP FOREVER
The Silver Rings is the second in the Al Andalus series. Reconquista, Book I in the series, was long listed for the Mslexia Childrens Book 2016 Award.

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