Lost Love In Spring

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4 reviews*

Price**: $0.00
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Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Young Adult | Adult


‘…And many a weary heart shall sing
The Snowdrop bringeth Hope and Spring.’

(From the book Poetry of the Flowers by Mrs CM Kirtland 1800)

Hope is all Emmeline has.

Under rolling storm clouds and raging thunder, the Gods unleash their wrath upon the earth, and in the chaos of the countryside awash with rivulets, Alfie Beeson is felled by some unseen force. With a desperate burst of strength, Emmeline drags her unconscious husband back to their cottage.

Throughout the winter she ministers to his needs, following her Grandmother Aspasia’s recipes collected over the years in her delicately penned 'Home Remedies'. Alfie appears to be on the mend when the gentle, shivering snowdrops begin to raise their dainty heads above the snow, bringing hope. However, as the little flowers creep from the forest up to the cottage, Alfie takes a turn for the worse.

By the time the blooms are close enough to tap upon the door, she has lost her love. Grieving and bereft, Emmeline tries to cope without her soulmate. Her broken heart causes even her gentle artwork to suffer. Paintings are left unfinished in the parlour.

With the arrival of The Anniversary comes a surprise visitor. Will this visitor rekindle the light in Emmeline’s delicate brown eyes?

Can the hole in her heart ever be healed?

This heartfelt short story now includes a sample of some of Aspasia Cherry's A~Z of Herbal Remedies along with poetry, a few myths and a little magic about the local flora that would have been found in and around Emmeline's cottage.

Other titles by the same author:

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