Seal Mother: A Selkie Tale in Verse

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13 reviews*

Price**: $5.99
Book cover image for Seal Mother: A Selkie Tale in Verse






Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Short Story
Children | Young Adult | Adult


A Selkie Tale in Verse

One lonely seal
in the midst of the ocean
rolls on the waves
to the rhythmical motion.
The seal watches over
the child on the sand.
Her lovely young daughter
born of the land.

On Midsummer’s Eve seals swim up onto the sand, shed their skin and transform into beautiful young women to give thanks to the mysterious Moon Goddess.

Lost in dance, no one notices a shimmering sealskin being stolen; leaving one beautiful Selkie trapped on the land forever.

Can an unlikely friend help her reclaim her skin, or is she destined to remain forever in human form?

‘Seal Mother’ – a magical Selkie tale of love, loss and deceit, told in verse.

Other titles by the same author:

Video trailer for Seal Mother: A Selkie Tale in Verse

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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