Rose: A compelling story of love and family ties

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13 reviews*

Price**: $2.99
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Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use
Short Story


Northamptonshire, 1865.
The callous Sebastian Harper returns home from a hunting trip on Bushel Farm with the devastating news that his younger half-brother, Johnnie, has lost his life in a tragic accident. Sebastian has always believed that he should have been the sole inheritor of Bushel Farm when his father passed away, and now, with Johnnie out of the way, Sebastian is free to carry out his wicked plans for the future. With no love lost between himself and Johnnie, Sebastian is under the impression that he can simply take his half-brother's place and claim everything that belonged to him, including Rose, Johnnie's beautiful, young wife.
Rose is forced to take drastic actions and escape from Bushel Farm with her young son, Alfie, to a safe place, far from the ruthless Sebastian’s evil clutches. With only a few shillings to her name and no relatives to shelter her, Rose's journey to freedom begins in the dark hours of night and marks the beginning of a series of events which will have a huge effect on the rest of her life.

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