POPPY WOODS: Nothing could break her spirit

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Price**: $2.99
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When Lady Margaret Hutchinson abandons her illegitimate daughter in 1863, she does not foresee the consequences of her actions. Set in Victorian Oxfordshire the story of Poppy Woods tells of a courageous girl, who from her very first breath suffers neglect and cruelty. Illegally Adopted by the tight-fisted and merciless Sidney Woods and his lazy wicked wife, life in the quiet hamlet of Hurst proves to be a daily challenge for Poppy, only softened by her caring neighbours who take it upon themselves to keep a watchful eye over her. A close and loving bond with the Greenfield family is formed over the years. Ella Greenfield is like a true sister and a childhood love for Arthur Greenfield blossoms, but when relationships turn sour and Poppy feels forced to leave the only home she has ever known, a mysterious woman finds the perfect opportunity to step in. As the past catches up with the cold-hearted Lady Hutchinson, the risk of her dark secrets being exposed determines her to once again take drastic action. How far is she prepared to go?
Yearning for a normal life and her true love, it is Poppy's inner strength and bravery which enhance her determined spirit.

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