Smoke & Mirrors (Brainrush Series Book 5)

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153 reviews*

Price**: $17.95
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Young Adult | Adult


From Wall Street Journal bestselling author Richard Bard comes the next highly anticipated Brainrush thriller, a mind-gripping action adventure that spans three continents and two books - Everlast and Ephemeral.

A gifted boy forced to grow up too fast... A father who will do anything to protect him... A madman bent on destroying them both.

In Amsterdam, a visionary scientist is laying the groundwork for a cybernetic life-extension project that will transfer individual consciousness to a personalized avatar. Halfway around the world, his brilliant grandson is secretly planning to use the same technology to infiltrate the world's most secure networks. But the scientific advances necessary to perfect the brain-to-computer interface are slow in coming, too slow for the aging founder of the Everlast foundation--who may die before realizing his dream of immortality--and too slow for his ruthless grandson, who will stop at nothing to attain the recognition that is his birthright.

Caught in the middle are Jake Bronson and his seven-year-old son, Alex, whose combined mental gifts might provide the key to leapfrogging the impasse.

Jake's family and closest friends have been taken by a mysterious organization with access to every surveillance system on the planet. In this exciting conclusion to the Everlast Duology, Jake must lever every scrap of his own failing brain if he is to have any chance of evading capture, rescuing his loved ones, and stopping a madman's plans for global chaos dead in its tracks.

Other titles by the same author:

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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