Leave the Body Behind: Sojourns of the Soul

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Price**: $2.58
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Discover your True Self … when you remove the ball and chain of your attachments!

Remember, you are a Soul who resides in a body, and its shape and size and colour bear no relevance to the truth you desire. So, while the choice to nurture or neglect one’s physical embodiment remains, where can you quench the inner thirst of your Divine essence? And, what life-path will eradicate those ill thoughts and words and deeds of the past, and release the burden of one’s karmic shadow?

This short-read will show you how to experience the magnificence of your true self, and help you to comprehend your own brilliance is without limitation. Through the silence of your Sojourns, you learn the reality of freedom, which brings clarity and focus by revealing the truth of who and what you are. In stillness, you will forget the attachments of this world, elevate beyond the human form, and Leave the Body Behind.

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