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18 reviews*

Price**: $2.99
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Drug Use


Set at the end of the nineteenth century, a gripping story of Stella, a beautiful young woman in her twenties. Already the Lady of the grand Sunny Meadow House on the outskirts of Oxford, due to her marriage to the wealthy and much senior James Headly, when James suddenly becomes bankrupt Stella is faced with some devastating changes in her life.
During a journey to London in search of work, James is set upon, robbed and left for dead. Taking advantage of James’s loss of memory, the evil Claudia Wiggins, sets out to achieve her lifelong dream. Stella’s discovery that she is with child, shortly before learning that she is a widow, makes her determined to find a way to financially support herself and her unborn child. With the help of Hetty, Stella’s former maid, Glorious Bakes is opened in Oxford’s High Street, but life for Stella is never without its traumas and complications.

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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