Children of Dreams: An Adoption Memoir

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141 reviews*

Price**: $17.46
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Lorilyn Roberts' hopes of motherhood came to a devastating end when her husband left her for his pregnant girlfriend. Eight years later, Children of Dreams reveals God's restoration of her dreams through the international adoption of her two daughters. Written as creative nonfiction, an analogy is drawn between the physical adoption of children and God's spiritual adoption as recounted in the Bible. Ms. Roberts skillfully weaves in her own back‑story while telling about her adventures in Nepal and Vietnam, filled with political intrigue.

Scriptural insights and reflections interspersed throughout the book show Lorilyn's reliance upon her heavenly Father when all hope seemed lost. The reader will enjoy the vivid descriptions as well as a window into the plight of those struggling to survive where basic necessities may not be available. The adventure includes meeting a future Prime Minister, a missing baby, and many other surprises.

The medical mystery in Children of Dreams was featured on Animal Planet's "Monsters Inside Me," in the episode of "Shapeshifters."

Ms. Roberts' appearance on the show was to inform adopting families about certain medical conditions endemic in developing countries.

Other titles by the same author:

Video trailer for Children of Dreams: An Adoption Memoir

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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