True Story of Dracula (Kindle) (Dracula brought back to life Book 1)

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Price**: $9.99
Book cover image for True Story of Dracula (Kindle) (Dracula brought back to life Book 1)






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Children | Young Adult | Adult


You can see yourself going down a road when you come to a crossing. One road has a sign saying “True Story of Dracula (Hardcover)” the other has “True Story of Dracula (Kindle)”. You cannot make up your mind which one to take. The hardcover version is meant for the ones who really want the experience to go along. Whereas the Kindle edition is for the ones who really do not care about the attributes but value the text, how it has been written and whether it is a good story. The hardcover version has a lot more graphical images than does the Kindle. The graphical effects that are applied to the hardcover version make you want to continue. On the Kindle it has no aura.

Comments by reviewers:
Great book that is entertaining and it was sometimes hard to put it away. I would recommend it to everyone who is interested in history, Dracula or interested in reading a good book. Anrijs

I really love this little story…… Last night I read it and now I want to say to everyone that this is a great story. Thank you MARTIN. Virginia

Dracula certainly the most chilling terrifying book ever written; it's really the best horror story in my eyes. shirley

You may have seen every Dracula movie ever made, but you do not know the real Count Dracula until such time as you have read this book. Of course, unless you have been living under a rock, you will know the general plot line, but I assure you there is a wealth of rich material buried throughout the text that is sure to excite, intrigue, and surprise you. Michael Ryan

This book is a very good read and the author wants to make it feel like you are there experiencing it together with the characters. nene

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Video trailer for True Story of Dracula (Kindle) (Dracula brought back to life Book 1)

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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