Innocent Thoughts

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4 reviews*

Price**: $6.00
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Many words, concepts, and sentences seem obvious to us; it feels like we know what they mean, and we do not really stop to see if we do. Often once an actual effort is done and we try to put our "knowing" into words, we find things are not that simple.
Many times once an accurate definition is sought, the intricacies of concepts reveal themselves.
Many times when trying to explain an "understood" sentence, we find out it has some hidden folds, and we may have to define some of its parts better, or maybe we uncover another avenue of thought it provokes.
“Innocent Thoughts” discusses such instances and avenues, from world peace to the enigmas of consciousness and free will. Diving into these subjects, “Innocent Thoughts” tries to distill and present some of the current views about our universe.

* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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