Exposure (Crazy Amy Thrillers Book 2)

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39 reviews*

Price**: $12.99
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Brilliant but unstable City high-flyer Amy has crashed and burned. In rehab and with her career in tatters, it looks as though she's finally hit rock bottom. But as Amy is about to discover, things can always get worse.

When an old friend dies in suspicious circumstances, Amy's decision to investigate pitches her into a nightmare where no one can be trusted and nothing is what it seems. In mortal danger, and with enemies old and new conspiring against her, has Amy made her last mistake?

Although part of the Crazy Amy series, Exposure can easily be read as a gripping stand-alone thriller. But be warned, once you start, you’ll be glued to your kindle…

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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