The Lying Scotsman: Book Two in The Mug Trilogy

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2 reviews*

Price**: $10.95
Book cover image for The Lying Scotsman: Second book of The Mug Trilogy: Volume 2






Bad Language
Sexual Content
Drug Use


The words in this loosely autobiographical second book in the Mug Trilogy were triggered by the entanglement between Mug, a recently divorced, disinherited, temporarily sex-obsessed woman and Michael. Her Gordian knot was a complex, mendacious, Scottish baggage handler who destiny threw her way late one night in early 2004. She was an honest, too trusting, troubled woman in her late forties. He was an enigma eleven years her junior who was hiding many shocking secrets. Mug's original plan was to write about their unusual story as a present to give to him for Christmas. Little did she know that her gift would almost kill him. She had wanted the opportunity to describe in her book her life prior to their meeting, because it shaped how she felt about him, why she tolerated what others might deem unacceptable. The purpose of Mug's book was to drastically change into a desperate effort to make sense of unfolding bizarre events and to help them both deal with the aftermath.

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* The number of reviews given represents the total number of all Amazon customer reviews summed across all english-speaking markets. For more information click here.

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